Surf Promo 04.24.2012
Apr 24 Author: Ray WhiteCategories: General Comments (0)
We have decided to start using the Pro Click Exchange blog again to announce our special events and winners of surf promo’s etc. This should make it much easier for members to keep up to date on what’s happening inside. We will of course still be using our Face Book Fanpage to keep all users up to date.
So to kick this off… We are teamed up with List Surfing & Fast Easy Traffic for yet another fantastic prize give away.
Today’s prizes are:
1 x $5 + 500 credits
5 x $2 + 200 credits + 200 banners +200 text
3 x 500 credits
3 x 2000 banners
3 x 2000 texts
You could win one of the above prizes here and/or at each exchange, yes you could win at more than one.
No minimum to surf and you don’t even have to surf all three but of course it greatly increases your chances if you do.
Winners will be announced below this post tomorrow. Have a great day!
Tuesday, April 24th, 2012 at 5:50 am and is filed under General. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.