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Newsletter area: Help


 Main Newsletter area, sending plain text email to all members.

 Give it a subject:

 Newsletter body (no html):

1. Check the box if you want to include whats in 'body' only. No configurated (2-6) posts will be sent.
2. Check the box if you want to include configurated 'Hi,' headline. (uncheck 1)
3. Check the box if you want to include surflink, referral link and member area link.(uncheck 1)
4. Check the box if you want to include configurated account stats. (uncheck 1)
5. Check the box if you want to include configurated regards-,person- and site settings.(uncheck 1)
6. Check the box if you want to include configurated Account removal instructions.(uncheck 1)
Check the box if you would like to send a test message to Admin ONLY(Ray - ProClickExchange ).
      User account #1 records will be included in the test message

      DO NOT DELETE USER NUMBER 1, Which should be an account owned by you the Admin,
      if you want the test option to work properly. ADMIN AREA  Timestamp: 1218568359  Date: 08/12/2008 15:12:39