The configuration file config.php must be edited in order to make everything
to work properly.
Edit, between quots in config.php and upload via FTP to your main '$my_script_url' directory.
This "Settings" page is an overview and shows what´s in your config file at the moment.
If Eva has setup the script the config files settings were completed and you need not to edit
unless you want different settings.
//config.php PHP-LITE 2.0.21 030910 BY BRASTART.COM READ LICENS.TXT
//Edit between quots.
$mysql_host = "localhost";
$mysql_user = "proclick_psimoni";
$mysql_pw = "xxxxxx";
$mysql_db = "proclick_com";
$thold = ""; //User must visit this number of pages before own pages will rotate
$timeout = "15"; //ONLY apply to user and admin test surf pages
$sbd = "1"; // 1=saving surf stats by date, else 0.
$surfbar = "Watch for Winning Tickets"; //message in surfbar
$preseturl = ""; //if urls fail
$my_script_url = ""; //main scriptfiles location
$my_admin_script_url = ""; //admin scriptfiles location
$my_root_url = ""; //document root
$my_script_join_url = ""; //index.php location
$aemail = "Ray - ProClickExchange "; //admin email
$welcome_message = "Welcome to PRO Click Exchange"; //Subjectline
$config_regards = "Always, To Your Success!"; //in emails
$config_person = "Ray White, New Owner"; //in emails
$config_sitename = ""; //In emails
$idle = "120"; //activation within.
$idleset = "90"; //account considered idle days.
//Example:If set to 5 and click4 is set to 1.00, hits deduction is 0.20 credit and earning is 0.20
$auto = ""; //Click surf is worth this many times more. If set to 0 NO AUTO surfer.
$noap = "0"; //1= no site approval required, else 0
$jcount = "0"; //1=count unique hits to referral pages, 2=all hits, 0=No hits.
$jearn = "0"; //credit earnings hits to referral page. 0 if no earnings.
$bnoap = "1"; //if no approval required set to 1, else 0
$banner_url = ""; //banner url
$pre_url = ""; //URL If all banner fail
$pre_imgurl = ""; //IMAGE URL If all banner fail
$rotator = "0"; // 1 if show rotator manager link in member area - all membership types
// 2 ... type 2 only
// 3 ... type 3 only
// 23 ... type 2 and 3 only
// 0 ... NO rotator manager link
$ur_name = " URL ROTATOR"; //top.php headline and title
//URL ROTATOR Specify topbar height settings. 0 = INVISIBLE BAR.
$tp1 = "60"; // membership type 1.
$tp2 = "60"; // ... type 2.
$tp3 = "60"; // ... type 3.
//URL ROTATOR Frame settings
$urframe = "2"; //1=topbar, 2=bottombar
$rn = "25"; // Number of allowed sites in url rotator Membership type 1,if NO set 0
$rn2 = "1"; // ... Membership type 2,if NO set 0
$rn3 = "25"; // ... Membership type 3,if NO set 0
$bnr1 = "1"; // 1=Show banner in frame, mtype 1, else 0
$bnr2 = "1"; // 1=Show banner in frame, mtype 2, else 0
$bnr3 = "1"; // 1=Show banner in frame, mtype 3, else 0
//Signup proceedure (added 042020)
$direct=""; //If set to 1 direct access to member area without valitation/activation link.
//If set to 2 direct activation, not access since password is sent to the user email address.
//If set to 0 requires clicking an activation link in welcome email.
//SERVER MISC (added 042020)
$offset="$_REQUEST[offset]"; //dont change
$REMOTE_ADDR="$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']"; //dont change
$HTTP_REFERER="$_SERVER['$HTTP_REFERER']"; //dont change
$REMOTE_HOST="$_SERVER['$REMOTE_HOST']"; //dont change
$sell=""; //1=enable sell credits back to us option, else 0
$sellprice=""; //price we pay per credit sold back to us.
$min=""; //minimum amount of credits that could be sold back to us.
Member Account settings
There are 3 different kinds of membership types where you set earning points, downline levels etc.
Membership type 1 is meant to be the "default free" option when a user signs up the first, later on
the user might choose to "Upgrade" then you change in viewmember area to "2 = Pro". You can name the
the option to whatever you prefer.
Click the [Membership type] links above to edit such settings.
Database settings
At startup: First you must create a database - Then run "" to create your database tables.
When finished please delete the "db_create.php" file. To modify and view database tables we recommend the use of the phpMyAdmin script.